Golden Retriever - Kali Anne Beaver
2020 Rally Obedience All Stars
Class 1 All Star Rankings
#2 In The United States
Referral 1:
What a joy Sophie has brought to our home. We took her to the vet the first week and she was pronounced perfect. We are mastering the art of housebreaking, and she is doing very well. When we say "let's go pee pee" she runs to the door and waits for her leash. Last night she went to the door, and barked. Looks like she has the idea. I am attaching some pictures recently taken, and will do so as she get bigger. Thank you so much, and we will be looking to add to our family in about a year.
Referral 2:
Just a little update on Jet-Jet is GREAT! He is such a good dog! He swam for the first time last week and has been going on walks with no leash! Everyone loves him so much! We can't believe how well behaved he is and how smart! He knows how to sit, lay down, do paw, speak- and say "hello", crawl, and i am sure he'll learn more!! We always recommend Elk River Companions to everyone! Thank you so much for our little guy!